April 13, 2011

ShitHarperDid.com: "There are better options this election"

This website is going viral and we're going to do out part to spread the word. 

You may have already seen some videos that are not of celebrities promoting the website on YouTube. I appreciated the Canadian celebrity name-dropping (yeah, Rita MacNeil!). Also, there's a cute dog in the Ryan Gosling one.

Shit Harper Did offers quotes and tidbits of information about Harper's policy decisions. It also links to a news source for each piece of info, offering a form of internet citation and an opportunity to read up on anything that catches your eye.

Something that caught our attention, but wasn't necessarily surprising, was this quote:
We also have no history of colonialism. So we have all of the things that many people admire about the great powers but none of the things that threaten or bother them.
(Harper at the 2009 G20)
Well, actually Mr. Harper, there were people living on "Canadian" soil when the Europeans got here. And, white Canadians benefited from British colonialism throughout our history. Just thought you should know.

Either way, at the bottom of the site, they remind Canadians that: 

"There are better options this election."


P.S. www.shitharperdid.com has this amazing sketch of Harper with a kitten.
Adorable? Creepy? You tell me.

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